
Useful information on cremation

Cremation is a choice that is becoming more and more consolidated today and that is supported by local communities as it meets a number of hygienic and environmental requirements that society is gradually becoming accustomed to. Contrary to what one might think, however, it is not a fad of the moment, it is one of the oldest and most widespread funeral rites in human history, since prehistoric times.

Today it is practised in many different parts of the world, as a free and rational choice, as it is a rite that safeguards the dignity of the deceased, avoiding the decomposition of the body and safeguarding the hygienic and environmental requirements of modern societies. The enormous growth of cemetery areas, the cost of land and facilities, and concerns over hygiene and sanitation have meant that the practice of cremation has also been encouraged by local communities and is now becoming increasingly popular.

The choice of cremation, however, is not as simple as one may think; it has to be a conscious choice and substantiated by a will filed with a notary or an official declaration by the next of kin or relatives. In fact, the paperwork for cremation can be greatly facilitated byregistering with Socrem, a cremation society, which protects the wishes of the deceased, even in the face of opposition from relatives.

To simplify bureaucratic practices, the best thing is to register with the cremation society in Florence with the certainty of obtaining cremation without anyone being able to oppose the will. In fact, the law favours the deceased's declaration at the time of registration with Socrem, as a testamentary provision. The procedure is then handled together with the funeral company, which takes care of the bureaucratic procedure, relieving family members of such tasks at such a painful time.

Keeping up with the times and changing customs, we at Ofisa have thus created, from the very beginning, a bridge with the institutions that are the reference point for the cremation service. In agreement with Socrem Florence, Ofisa therefore opens its agencies to anyone wishing to realise this last wish of the dearly departed.

The agreement makes it possible to obtain considerable advantages for what is wrongly considered a practical and economical alternative to the traditional funeral. The special conditions required for cremation (ecological casket, water paint, wooden handles, etc.) in fact make the procedures as complex as traditional ones. Our company takes care of completing the paperwork required by law and thus carrying out the wishes of the deceased without further suffering for the relatives.

Cremation is carried out in authorised facilities. The ashes must then be collected in a cinerary urn that will be given to the family members, who may choose to take it to the cemetery, keep it at home or in another location decided by the family or the deceased, or proceed to scatter the ashes. In this case too, we will be able to help, advise and assist you in choosing the most appropriate location, also taking into account current regulations and legislation.